Friday, March 5, 2010

What is the What?

"As my dream day passes in the afternoon, I lean on my sister Amel as she grinds grain. I did this often because the leaning and its expected result gave me great joy."--Achak Pg.40
I chose this quote because I think that it shows how different life is in Sudan and America. In Sudan, Achak is so appreciative of things that kids in America take for granted. For him, just smelling his sister is so enjoyable, whereas, in America, siblings tend to hate each other.
I think that sometimes my brother annoys me, but I have a very stable relationship with him. I am not grateful for him as much as I should be, but I do like him sometimes.
Do you think that there is a reason for the society differences from America and Sudan?

"This boy thinks I am not of his species, that I am some other kind of creature, one that can be crushed under the weight of a phone book. The pain is not great, but the symbolism is disagreeable."--Achak Pg. 50
I think that this quote summarizes all of the racism and hatred in Achak's life. Achak has made it to America, and now he finds out how much everyone actually hates him. Most of his life has been spent running from trouble and now he is unable to do so.
I do not think that this quote relates much to my life, but I can understand on a smaller scale. I am often discriminated against ether because I am a girl. Or I am Jewish. It is really hurtful to hear people referring to me as "that one Jewish girl" or "OH! YOU're that Jewish kid!" and, I can understand how Achak feels to be discriminated against so badly.
Why do you think that the color of our skin or nationality matters to other people?

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