Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog post 4-immigration lit. circles

"We'll adjust the Sudan flag
We'll alter the Sudan flag
For Sudan is confused herself"--Song written for John Garang pg. 321
This was a big step in Achak's life. Figuring out which side he is on is too difficult for him. At this moment, he is feeling that this side would be better. He is confused. He knows not to join either side though.
I feel that everyone faces big challenges in their lives. Nothing as big as Achak's problems have happened to me but I have definately had to choose sides between friends. It is so hard to do.
Have you ever made a descision that you ultimately regretted?

"Our days were now completely reconstituted. Where before there had been studying and soccer and simple chores like water-fetching, now there was manual labor-in addition to the farm work-and jobs we were much too young to be expected to do."--Achak Pg. 327

Achak was so expectant of an easier life in Sudan. He was let down. I think he is often let down in America also. He has so many expectations of many beatuiful things that he has heard of. But nobody prepared him for dissapointment.

I have been dissapointed many times before. I have also been expected to do more than I feel I am able to do.I try very hard and nobody else is proud of my work.

Have you ever felt like people were expecting to much of you?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is the What:3

"After seeing the dead and dying of the lost Fist, I no longer had any faith in our journey or in our guides. It seemed logical that what had begun would continue: that we would walk and die until all the boys were gone."--Achak Pg. 217

Achak and most of the boys have by now lost all faith in their journey. Achak has given up on everything that he has lived for so far. He has no other chance to survive and he has given up on everything.

I have often felt useless or like I wanted to give up. seeing everyone around you hopeless is difficult to cope with. I remember when my great grandfather died. I had felt so lost and hopeless. But, the pain was more deep because my family was so sad.

have you ever felt lost or hopeless?

"We are not in Ethiopia, I thought. This is not the place."--Achak Pg. 227

Achak has waited so long to find this place that has been embellished so much by the fabrications of William K. and, when he finally has made it, he is sadly dissapointed. He has imagined it so differently. when he does finally make it, he is not expecting it to be similar to all the other refugee camps.

I have been dissapointed many times by different instances that I had gotten my hopes up for. It is one of the worst feelings in the world. and I feel very bad for Achak to have worked so hard for this and to be dissapointed in such a way.

Have you ever been this dissapointed about something?

Friday, March 5, 2010

What is the what?

"For the first time in my life, I welcomed the fabrications of William K."--Achak Pg.190
I realized that when you lose everything, then the smallest comforts can be so reassuring. Having William K. walking wih him and telling him stories is so important to Achak by now, that when they finally get to their destination, I think that Achak will still be going strong.
This relates to my life because I rely on friends to help me through life. At times, I feel that I should be more self sufficient. But I feel that My friends give me life.
DO you rely on your friends help you through life?

What is the What?

"As my dream day passes in the afternoon, I lean on my sister Amel as she grinds grain. I did this often because the leaning and its expected result gave me great joy."--Achak Pg.40
I chose this quote because I think that it shows how different life is in Sudan and America. In Sudan, Achak is so appreciative of things that kids in America take for granted. For him, just smelling his sister is so enjoyable, whereas, in America, siblings tend to hate each other.
I think that sometimes my brother annoys me, but I have a very stable relationship with him. I am not grateful for him as much as I should be, but I do like him sometimes.
Do you think that there is a reason for the society differences from America and Sudan?

"This boy thinks I am not of his species, that I am some other kind of creature, one that can be crushed under the weight of a phone book. The pain is not great, but the symbolism is disagreeable."--Achak Pg. 50
I think that this quote summarizes all of the racism and hatred in Achak's life. Achak has made it to America, and now he finds out how much everyone actually hates him. Most of his life has been spent running from trouble and now he is unable to do so.
I do not think that this quote relates much to my life, but I can understand on a smaller scale. I am often discriminated against ether because I am a girl. Or I am Jewish. It is really hurtful to hear people referring to me as "that one Jewish girl" or "OH! YOU're that Jewish kid!" and, I can understand how Achak feels to be discriminated against so badly.
Why do you think that the color of our skin or nationality matters to other people?