Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 3: Character POV


Who does that Ralph think he is? We need to HUNT. Not to sit around and build shelters all day. Besides, he and Simon were doing fine without our help. they should have just continued working while we hunted. It is only fair that while we get the food they work also.
We need to have food to eat and survive. And besides. I have this urge to kill. I cannot quite explain the feeling but I feel the need to hurt something. The little ones are annoying and Ralph always sides with Piggy. I thought that Ralph and I could be friends but now I know that we will never be friends.
And, Simon has been leaving the choir (oops, hunters) to work with Ralph on the huts and to explore the island. He has deserted us. He is the purest one on the island. He is always nice and always shares and never puts himself first. His never-ending good nature is starting to get under my skin.
I hope that we aren't rescued soon. I need to catch a pig still and I like the power that I have over the boys. I hate grown-ups. They always try to boss you and tell you what to do even when you just want to try things out.
And at the beggining I thought that Ralph and I could become friends but he is just being so mean and favors Piggy. He disagrees with everything that I say and no matter what I do it is wrong. He is acting like he can boss me around just because he "got chosen". But I am the better choice for leader and the boys will see that when I get them food. THey will see.

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