Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chapter 12 journal entry

In the beggining, Ralph hid in a small hole/ditch sort of near Castle Rock. He hid there because he felt that the boys would not look for him so close to their base.
Sam gives Ralph some of their meat because he feels bad about not helping Ralph and for betraying him.
Samneric joined Jack's tribe because Jack and Roger tortured them.
I think that Roger was planning to put Ralph's head on a stick like they did with the Lord of the Flies.
Jack flushed Ralph out by setting a fire in his hiding spot. The smoke then forced him out.
Ralph discovers a ship when he runs to the beach.
On the beach, Jack seemed like an innocent young boy.
Percival Wemys Madison.
Ralph takes responsibility for the thing that happens on the island.
The naval officer is upset at the boys because they are not acting like good Britich boys.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Journal entry Chapter 10

Simon's Ghost

I can not beleive that Ralph and Piggy are denying that they were there when I was killed. Although they both know very well what happened and who was involved, they still try to deny it to each other. I thought that it was very foolish of them to deny to each other and to Samneric because it is losing the trust of the group. There are only the four of them left and they need to be strong enough to stand up to Jack's hunters. They are losing to Jack and they need to be stronger.
Jack is an evil ruler. He beat Wifred today. He had no reason either. He just wanted to assert his power to the other boys. But, now everyone is scared of him. He is continuing to rule the boys and they just listen to him and treat him like a king. They have been plotting all day for an attack on Ralph's "tribe". Jack also keeps saying that the beastie was only hurt and that he was in a disguise. JAck is manipulating the boys into keeping him as their leader.
Jack also attacked Ralph and Piggy and Smaneric. They went to their shelter at night and took Piggy's glasses. Piggy can not see and the boys do not have fire at all. Also, Eric and Ralph were fighting each other instead of the boys coming in because they could not see anything in the dark. So, they are bruised and beat up while the other boys are perfectly fine. All in all, its a bad situation!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

LoTF review

In Simon's secret place, the flies prefer the pig's blood to Simon's.
Simon decides to go to the mountain.
Simon untangles the parachute from the trees.
Piggy suggests that they go to the mountain.
Piggy gets burnt with the pork on a spit.
Jack declares that the conch does not work on that part of the island and that Ralph does not have it with him anyways.
The weather becomes stormy.
The boys sing the chant about killing the beast.
Simon emerges from the forest with the news about the beast.

I think that all of the boys are responsible for Simons death. It would be nice to point fingers and say that one of the boys was specifically at fault but, all of them participated and none of them thought it through or tried to help him. It could be said that Jack or Jack's Hunters were at fault but everyone joined in. Even Ralph and Piggy. It is everybody's fault that Simon was mistaken for the beast and killed.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 8

I think that the most disturbing part of chapter 8 is when the boys catch the sow and basically torture it. I think that one of the reasons that this is so disturbing to me is because it is a very barbaric thing for the boys to do. The first reason that it is so scary, is because you see signs of the evil in the boys, especially Roger and Jack. You see Roger hurting the sow in a horrible way while Jack stabs it to death. The boys are becoming more barbaric and savage. It is very scary when the boys decide to put the sows head on a stick because Simon is watching them.
Simon is the one who notices that the boys becoming the beast. He was the one that predicted that the only beast on the island is the boys themselves. He has started to hallucinate about the pig's head talking to him and he thinks that the sow's head on a stick is the beastie. I think one of the other reasons that this chapter is so disturbing is because of the conflict between all of the boys. Jack leaves at the beggining of the chapter and the boys start to separate. This is the most disturbing chapter in the book so far. The boys are beggining to show real barbaric tendencies. Not just little boys playing around at being grown-ups or being mean. They are actually starting to be so mean to their fellow boys. And, they are beggining to torture the sows instead of just playing around and ending up killing them. It is a very barbaric chapter.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 7 Shadows and Tall Trees

The Beastie

Ralph is becoming more of a hunter like the rest of us. He came with us on a hunt for the Beastie, and he joined in the games. He got excited when he stuck the boar with the spear. And he had a DEMONIAC expression when he told us about it. It is not fair that the boys still looked to him as a leader even when I am the one who should be leading them. He makes ridiculous TABOO'S that the boys follow. And he looked disgusted while I PAUNCHED the sows belly. He seems DEMURE but he is actually trying to keep me from being leader. But he thinks that he is in charge but he should not be. Nobody knows anything about him. He is not a PREFECT. He does not deserve to be leader.

The game that we played after we tried to catch the boar was fun. I wish that we could have had a real pig to hit instead of just Robert. But Ralph kept being annoying and trying to pretend to be grown up. When I said that we could just use a littleun I really meant it. If we wanted to play that game we could have actually killed a pig or a littleun. No one really cares about them.

I am very scared of the beast. I saw him and I am so happy that I was not closest to him. He sat up and looked at us but we did not actually see his face. I ran away. I was so scared. I am very ashamed that I ran away so quickly instead of walking away.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 6: Beast from Air Perspective:Ralph

I was really frightened of how rough the other boys were becoming. And with Jack leading them. I wish we could get a sign from the grown ups. If we had a sign, the boys would become civilized again. Jack would have to calm the excitement and maybe we could get rescued.
Samneric saw the beastie. We went to look for it in a large group of hunters. I am scared of what the beast might do if it finds us. I am really afraid because I am now sure that the beast does exsist. I just can not admit to the other boys that I am scared.
I feel like I should still be the strongest leader on the island. Jack is taking over but it is not his job. I am leader. I was chosen and I am the one who makes the better rules. All Jack and his hunters want to do is hunt and play all day long. I feel responsible to keep them in check and on task. It is hard though, to be the leader of a pack of boys. I wish that I could back down, but the island would go to ruin if I did.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CHapter 5 character POV- Simon

The boys are starting to stray from Ralph's leadership. Ralph blew the conch for the assembly tonight. The boys came but listened to Jack more than to Ralph. They chose Ralph to lead, but they follow whoever lets them have more fun. They do not listen to their leader. There were a lot of concerns brought up. But, the conversation ended up being just about the beastie. I am scared.
The littleuns are scared about the beastie. We need to do something because, there is a beast. I am just not sure what it is yet. The littleuns all listened to Percival's cries and they began to cry also. I am afraid that the littleuns are a bit out of control and are no help to us. They only hinder us from working...
I am starting to think that all men are born with the tendency to do evil and I am scared about what may happen on this island with the boys behaving as they do. What will happen to the small boys? And what will happen if the older boys gang up together? I am afraid to think about it. Everybody needs to be careful because this island is getting crazy and everyone here is scared about what will happen next!

Monday, September 21, 2009



I wish that we could get taken off of this island.

Ralph has taken me in as one of his main helpers. I have been trying to help out as much as the older kids but, I end up doing all of the work. I am happy that Ralph, at least, works on the huts and basically makes himself useful all the time. I wish that I could be more of a leader like he is. He is kind to everyone on the island even if they are not kind to him.
The littleuns, I think, spend most of their time eating fruit and playing games. They are not much help. But, I think that I know how they feel. They are scared. And, all of us are but they feel it the most. They understand about the beastie and they are as scared of it as I am. I wish that we could make the older boys understand about the evil that lives on this island and we have to get off of here as soon as we can. Ralph understands. But I am not sure about the other ones. I need to make them understand.
The hunters are turning into savages. Merridew has painted their faces so that just to look at them shows the evil on this island. As if they are not themselves. It scared me to think that they can transform into such monsters. I think that the Beastie is among us. Is one of us.
I also do not understand how the hunters could let the fire go out. They promised, PROMISED! And they let us down. We could have been saved. But instead, they had to catch a pig. And, not only that, but Merridew murmered a fake apology instead of a real one. And everyone turned to his side. It is not fair to Ralph. We chose him.
I do not know what will happen on this island next. I am too scared to think about what the hunters are going to do next. They are turning into savages. I am afraid to think of what they can do if they have all the boys on this island on their side. And, I am worried about the Beastie.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 3: Character POV


Who does that Ralph think he is? We need to HUNT. Not to sit around and build shelters all day. Besides, he and Simon were doing fine without our help. they should have just continued working while we hunted. It is only fair that while we get the food they work also.
We need to have food to eat and survive. And besides. I have this urge to kill. I cannot quite explain the feeling but I feel the need to hurt something. The little ones are annoying and Ralph always sides with Piggy. I thought that Ralph and I could be friends but now I know that we will never be friends.
And, Simon has been leaving the choir (oops, hunters) to work with Ralph on the huts and to explore the island. He has deserted us. He is the purest one on the island. He is always nice and always shares and never puts himself first. His never-ending good nature is starting to get under my skin.
I hope that we aren't rescued soon. I need to catch a pig still and I like the power that I have over the boys. I hate grown-ups. They always try to boss you and tell you what to do even when you just want to try things out.
And at the beggining I thought that Ralph and I could become friends but he is just being so mean and favors Piggy. He disagrees with everything that I say and no matter what I do it is wrong. He is acting like he can boss me around just because he "got chosen". But I am the better choice for leader and the boys will see that when I get them food. THey will see.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Character POV Chapter 2


The second that I mentioned fire, the boys scurried off like a bunch of rabbits. I hurried after them with Piggy following closely behind me. He was huffing and puffing by the time we got to the mountain. Everybody had already begun collecting firewood and dry leaves. But then Jack told us that nobody had any matches. Then, we thought that maybe Piggy had some matches, but he said no, he did not. But suddenly we thought that Piggy’s glasses could be used for starting the fire. Maurice started the fire while Piggy yelled at us to give his specs back. The fire started very quickly and we called an assembly. I was irritated at the way that the boys were acting. There was no law or order. We needed to make some rules. For some reason, Piggy wanted to talk. I let him because I found that he often had good things to say. And, after all, we had pinched his specs. He started ranting on about how Jack had led the other boys to make the fire and how it was getting out of control. That is when the fire started creeping along the ground towards the trees. The trees caught on fire and piggy started gasping for breath. He was screaming at us now and the heat burned my face. Piggy asked how we knew where all the littleuns were. Hadn’t I told him to count them that first day??? Why had he not??? I started yelling at him but he yelled right back. And, he continued. “And, what about that kid with the birthmark on his face? Has anyone seen him since that first night? Remember? The boy who talked about snakes and a beastie? Where is he?”
The weight of his words sank in. Where WAS he? I could not remember seeing him and he wasn’t with us. Piggy leaned against a rock, trying to catch his breath. It was completely silent and all you could hear was the burning fire and Piggy’s loud gasps for breath. Even Jack had nothing to say. The silence seemed to sink in on us and I was very nervous. The small boys seemed to begin to look up to Jack now. He had fun with them. Not giving rules like we should be. Piggy is yelling for me now. But the fire has gone out. We should relight it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

LoTF Ch. 1

Sound of the Shell view point.

We were on our way out of the orphanage. I was with my choir and a few little kids. I had plenty to eat on the plane ride because I told the little'uns to give me their food. For some reason, the plane landed on an island and the choir was scared. The little pipsqueak, Simon, was telling me something. He was really irritating him so I pushed him to the back of the choir. We were walking on TOW sand and the island had a kind of glamour. Then all of a sudden, we heard a big sound coming from the other side of the island. We had already started looking for food but it sounded like a big ship. The choir boys looked at me, INCREDULOUS, I was very proud that they thought of me as their leader. We rushed to the sound. but all that there was was a boy with a shell. I thought that we must look really silly with our HAMBONE FRILLS and black robes, so I ordered the boys to take them off. The palm FRONDS above us shaded us from the afternoon sun. The small boy at the front began to speak. He obviously wanted to be leader but i was the obvious choice. So, I spoke up. All the choir boys voted for me but the other kids voted for the Ralph kid. He did not seem like he could be a leader but, I thought that maybe we could get along and be friends. He gave me charge of the choir. But, really, I will just be in charge of everyone. He does not seem like the type that could really lead a group of boys. I told everyone that we needed fire and figured out that we needed to PINCH the fat boys specks. we made the fire and then Ralph and I decided to take a look at the island. We brought Simon along although I did not want to. He proved to be a big help and I was glad that we had him along. well, that was day 1 on the island. I will take over the position of leader. After all, Ralph can't stay in it for too long. But, I am kind of nervous.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Deserted Island

If I were stuck on a desert island and had too choose only three items and three people to bring with me, I would have a really hard decision. For the first item, I would probably want a really fast jet plane with a full gas tank and working parts. With the jet plane, I could visit home whenever I wanted to and I could fly my friends out to visit me. The plane would also be used to transport fuel and food to the deserted island and that is how we would get food and water. The person that I would bring with the jet plane, would be my dad because he can fly planes and helicopters and has survived in the wilderness for a while. Also, I would probably be very scared and my dad would be able to comfort me. The next item I would bring would be my house with all the things inside of it. This way, we would have comfortable beds, a fridge and enough food to last us for a while. This would be an amazing shelter for us against animals and weather. The next person I would bring would be my best friend, Samantha. She and I have fun no matter what we are doing and she would make the best of our situation. The next item I would bring would be a pet store. I would have a bunch of pets to bring with me and I would have food and water for all of them. The last person I would bring would probably be my cat because he is awesome and he would make me feel better by being WAY more scared than me... Yes. I think that I would have plenty of fun on a deserted island if I had those six things!!!